Simple Tips To Avoiding Viruses From Computer

I do not have long to write about computing tips on home computers since kesamber lightning (tragic yes). This time I will try to share simple tips avoid computer virus infection that I always use and proven to be quite pretty powerful. These tips are general and very easy to apply for the layman who wants to penguna computer "clean of the virus". Many of my fellow colleagues who ask this question, so that encouraged me to make this little paper. Before I was reminded once again "Have you done Update Antivirus that you use", any AntiVirus that you use frequently been used in the Update, because the virus is always growing all the time.

Simply right without a lot of strings attached, whether simple tips that I use to prevent computer virus infection. Computer viruses can basically see the obvious through features - features that look through the file name, iconnya, type and extensionnya through Windows Explorer. Get used to view files on your Explorer windows with view details. Way, right-click anywhere inside the Explorer window and select "view" - details "

It's as well you are displaying the "file extension" of his, the way he was in Folder Options. Example for Windows XP is to select the menu "Tools" - "Folder Options", then klil tab "view" and remove the check mark on "Hide Extensions for known file types", then click OK.

Next consider any of the files you have. According to my experience that the file is virus file usually has several features, including the following.

1. Disguise themselves with Icon.

* The virus of this type can be seen to have icons that are very familiar, for example using the icon Word, Exel, Pictures, Videos and more. By using the View details we will see irregularities. That the problem usually is not sesuainya between image icon and the "File Type" example: icon icon file is the file type word but read "Application", and usually extensinya. EXE. If you see this kind of thing should never your file execution. Or better just delete. Because these files can be a virus that will spread in your computer.

2. Files that are not in place.

* This time you should really consider expansions of the files that you suspect the file as a virus. This kind of virus is usually disguised as a file which is seen as an important file such as, "backup.dll" Setup.exe "" service.js "and more. (The expansions used in the virus is traveling. Exe. Vbs. Js. Etc. .. scr. bat. inf) What I mean is misplaced files which I mean is on the folder you think are inappropriate or even you feel is never made, or to copy the file. If you find such files should be you alert, but do not delete the original, because it could be these files are important and relate to one of your installed software.

* In this case you should study it carefully and use the file type based on file extensinya (I'll explain about this file type in the next post)

Well maybe for a while that first tip I can give, in fact there are many other tips which I will write later. If no additional entries or corrections or I have received with pleasure